Monday, March 2, 2009

Where do I send my letter of complaint?

I hate people for assuming I'm OK, and I hate people for assuming I'm not OK. At work, I hate people for overloading me and I hate people who don't give me work for fear I'm not up to it. I hate people for not understanding what I'm going through, and I hate people who assume they do understand.
I wish it was as easy as saying I'm in an "angry phase". I've learned that the whole concept of grief as phases is bullshit. You don't neatly move from one to the other, in a forward kind of way. You feel all the horrible feelings all at once, and then you're numb, and then you're better, and then you're crying on the subway, and then you can't sleep and you feel worried, and then you feel raw, and then you want to punch someone, and then you cry some more. And then, for a moment, you feel better, and then you see a newborn on the street and you want to die.

And every time, every single time, when you find yourself actually moaning and sobbing instead of just leaking tears, you say "It's not fair." Over and over. Who am I complaining to?

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